Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

[L750.Ebook] Ebook Free Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

Ebook Free Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

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Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

Ebook Free Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

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Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell

Over the course of the twentieth century, scientists came to accept four counterintuitive yet fundamental facts about the Earth: deep time, continental drift, meteorite impact, and global warming. When first suggested, each proposition violated scientific orthodoxy and was quickly denounced as scientific―and sometimes religious―heresy. Nevertheless, after decades of rejection, scientists came to accept each theory.

The stories behind these four discoveries reflect more than the fascinating push and pull of scientific work. They reveal the provocative nature of science and how it raises profound and sometimes uncomfortable truths as it advances. For example, counter to common sense, the Earth and the solar system are older than all of human existence; the interactions among the moving plates and the continents they carry account for nearly all of the Earth's surface features; and nearly every important feature of our solar system results from the chance collision of objects in space. Most surprising of all, we humans have altered the climate of an entire planet and now threaten the future of civilization. This absorbing scientific history is the only book to describe the evolution of these four ideas from heresy to truth, showing how science works in practice and how it inevitably corrects the mistakes of its practitioners. Scientists can be wrong, but they do not stay wrong. In the process, astonishing ideas are born, tested, and over time take root.

  • Sales Rank: #1211873 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-12-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.30" h x 6.10" w x 9.10" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 384 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
What History Teaches Us about Scientific Consensus
By David Morrison
Jim Powell has written a welcome history of some of the most important and contentious ideas in science. Almost everyone has heard of the topics he analyzes: the age of the Earth and Moon, plate tectonics, the discovery that the Earth and Moon have been battered by cosmic impacts, the impact extinction of the dinosaurs, and global warming. While these basic concepts are widely accepted by scientists, there are still influential members of the public (like politicians who love to expose their ignorance by answering questions with “I am not a scientist”) who oppose them. Powell has written a lively history of these ideas, and this book provides a welcome window into the basics of modern geosciences.

This book is more than a good read; Powell has an important message for us. He uses the sometimes tortured history to explore the basic questions of how scientists decide what is correct – not absolute truth, which is never possible, but at least a consensus with a high level of confidence. This is not a pretty history, with many wrong turns and quite a few villains who refused to believe evidence that undercut their own pet ideas. When the deniers held senior positions in universities or government agencies, they were able to block progress for as much as a generation. One motivation was an inherent distrust of outsiders, especially the arrogant physicists who questioned the geological consensus. Another important factor in the first two case studies was the very small numbers of scientists who where working in a given field, and the absence of real data with which to test theories. In the second half of the twentieth century, there are many more researchers, equipped with marvelous facilities and aided by powerful computers, and communication among them is far easier than in the past. Yet at a major international conference on lunar geology held shortly before the Apollo landing, there was still virtual unanimity among those present that the lunar craters were volcanic and impacts had played little if any role in lunar history.

The most provocative discussion in Powell’s book concerns climate change and global warming. The basics of the greenhouse effect and the role of atmospheric carbon dioxide in determining surface temperatures were established a century ago, and by the 1970s a consensus was beginning to emerge about the role of industrial pollution in raising temperatures. By the 1990s the direct evidence for global warming was pouring in, and today it is impossible to deny the reality of large-scale climate change. But “scientific consensus” is a tricky concept. In his earlier examples, Powell documented cases of consensus in other areas of the geosciences that persisted for decades and then were overthrown by new discoveries, sometimes coming from other fields of science. Powell asks the important question whether this current consensus is any more durable than some of the widely held misconceptions of the past. This is our conundrum when we find ourselves in the midst of a scientific revolution. Does heresy in science always give way to truth, as implied in the subtitle to this book? And how do we know when we have it right with enough confidence to take action to save ourselves from possible planetary catastrophe.

8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Why we aren't farther ahead
By David Wineberg
One of the many great things about Four Revolutions is that it jumps right in. There isn’t the endless groundwork and foundation building of so many such efforts. It is captivating right off the top. Being the history of discovering how the Earth works, it is intuitive and has universal appeal. Its cast of miscreants and creatives makes it colorful. And Powell has a terrific knack for harpooning just the right keywords for the titles and subtitles, along with dramatic endings for sections.

The four revolutions are:
-determining the age of rocks and the Earth
-continental drift
-meteorite impacts on the moon, and dinosaur extinction here
-global warming

While the first is a quite civil disagreement among natural philosophers (as scientists were called), the second gets into vicious mudslinging, as scientists use ad hominem attacks on each other to denigrate their theories, their qualifications and even their personalities. Continental drift had all the appeal of forced abortion to American scientists in the first half of the last century. It is astonishing how they wielded their ignorance as if it were unimpeachable truth, and accused each other of being unqualified quacks. Rather than consider a new theory, they would conjure absurd patches to paper over faults in their own work. They worked to banish the printing of references in textbooks, or even the names of the perpetrators. They refused to cite competitors in their papers. It has of course, been this way for centuries.

Global warming is the most obnoxious story. It was theorized in the late 1800s. “Greenhouse Effect” was coined in 1913. And the issue has been proven again and again and again since. However, certain fossil fuel giants as well as conservatives have spent millions to counter the science. In Unaccountable: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt our Finances, Freedom, and Security, Janine Wedel cites studies that of the more than one thousand books published on the topic, maybe 25 deny it. 72% of those denial books have a verifiable link to (conservative) “think tanks”, and 40% of those were written or edited by people with NO relevant scientific credentials. Yet that is what is holding up the whole planet from taking action, as the media repeatedly focus on the deniers in order to be “balanced”. Powell says there is no balance. This is settled science.

You can see the same process underway in geology today. The astrophysicist Marvin Herndon has disproven (not theorized, but disproved, which Powell says is far more difficult) convection as the motor of continental drift. He has postulated a unified theory in which all planets began as gas giants like Jupiter, and that particles rained in from the gas clouds over billions of years to produce the rock cores we call planets. His Maverick's Earth and Universe is both inspiring and sad. Sad to see the entire scientific community actively ignore this theory, and refuse to cite it, just as Powell describes in Four Revolutions.

These are most worthy reads. Four Revolutions is a fascinating record of small minds obfuscating big issues for personal gain.

David Wineberg

5 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
The weight of evidence...
By FictionFan
In the introduction, Powell tell us he was inspired to write this book when a friend, discussing the fact that the vast majority of scientists accept that the activities of man are contributing to global warming, remarked that scientists have been wrong before. Accepting the undeniable truth of that, Powell decided to look at the recent history of four important theories in earth sciences, showing that though scientists may have been wrong at first, they "eventually came to be right".

"The history of the four discoveries confirms the cardinal virtue of science: it is self-correcting. Scientists pushing the boundaries of knowledge are often wrong, but they do not stay wrong."

Considering the fair amount of depth Powell goes into on each of his subjects, the book is surprisingly accessible to the non-scientists among us. I found I only got lost occasionally and, when reading books like this, I accept that there are things that are too complex to simplify down to my level! In each section Powell starts at a point before the theory he is discussing was developed, explaining the existing state of knowledge and supposition. He then introduces us to the scientists who contributed to the development of the new theory, along with those who opposed it, and finally to those who 'proved' it. He provides little anecdotes of their lives, or their friendships or quarrels with each other, which prevent the book from becoming too dry a read.

There are two types of enjoyable popular science books as far as I'm concerned - those that clearly explain something and convince me of it, and those that clearly explain something and provoke me to argue with the author's conclusions. This one falls firmly into the latter category. Oddly, I started out a fairly firm believer in all four (five really, or six if you include the extinction of the dinosaurs) of the theories in the book, and ended up only fully convinced of two - or two and a half at a push. Throughout, Powell is critical of scientists who accepted theories and held onto them despite lack of proof or even once discoveries had been made that clearly invalidated them. But I felt Powell fell into that same trap himself too often, claiming a thing as being so when in fact the proof isn't yet there. The very subtitle of the book - From Heresy to Truth - is a prime example of this. His basic position seems contradictory - that scientists of old were stubborn and foolhardy to stand by their theories without adequate proof but that we should accept the theories of current science, also often without final evidence of their validity. And he makes generalized statements that are clearly an expression of his opinion rather than of 'fact'...

"The discoveries from astronomy and earth science expose the infinitesimal standing of the human race in time and space. They force us to admit that we are the products of, and the potential victims of, random events."

Do they really? I would imagine that the billions of people who believe in some form of God might not feel forced to admit that. Indeed, Powell himself points out in the course of the book that even many scientists are willing to admit that science and religion can co-exist. But this is just one example - there were several occasions when I felt he expressed himself more forcefully than the evidence justified, or substituted opinion for fact.

However, despite finding I was treating his conclusions with some caution, I found the book interesting and informative, and felt that overall he more or less made his case. Perhaps had he been a little less ambitious to prove the rightness of so many current theories, he might have been more convincing overall. Here is a brief summary of the theories he discusses...

Deep Time

Powell shows how the assumed age of the Earth has changed over the last century or so, as scientists made discoveries - such as evolution - that negated the previous assumptions. As he does in each section, he highlights the scientists involved, including those who fought strongly to retain their existing position even when the evidence became overwhelming. He also points out that, in the end, it was physicists rather than geologists who made the most important discovery - how to determine the age of rocks through developing ways to measure radioactive decay.

My verdict (based on the info in the book): Not proven - an old Scottish verdict which means basically 'I believe it, but I don't think you've really proved it'. I admit the main reason for this verdict is that the stuff about radioactive decay went largely over my head - but it seemed to me that, as Powell described it, there were still too many assumptions involved for this to be a theory incapable of being overturned by further future discoveries.

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics

In 1911, Alfred Wegener noticed that the east coast of South America was a great fit for the west coast of Africa, and speculated that they had once been joined. The then greats of the scientific world largely dismissed this idea, even when the fossil records between the two coasts showed a remarkable similarity. Powell takes us through all the experimentation that gradually proved the truth of the theory, as geologists speculated that continental drift and plate tectonics were the likely cause of mountain formation and of the mid-Atlantic ridge.

My verdict: Proven. With GPS, scientists have now been able to measure the rate of drift - that's the kind of proof I like!

Meteorite Impact

While discussing the theory that meteorites have impacted the Earth, on occasion with catastrophic results, I felt Powell got himself a bit side-tracked into both the extinction of the dinosaurs and the impact theory for the creation of the Moon.

My verdict - the jury is still debating. I don't think any of us who watched Shoemaker-Levy 9 crash into Jupiter some years back could doubt that major meteor strikes happen, nor be unconvinced of their catastrophic potential; and I was convinced of the evidence that they have happened here on Earth. However I felt Powell's certainty that this was the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs was too strongly expressed - again, I tend to believe it, but don't think it has been 'proved'. And as for the Moon creation theory, even Powell had to admit that this one needs much more evidence before it moves from theory to fact.

Global Warming

So this is the crucial one - Powell's starting and finishing point. Although he refers to it as Global Warming, in fact the crux of his argument is proving that it's caused in large part by man's actions. Again this one got a bit 'sciency' for me, but for the most part I was able to follow the arguments.

My verdict: Proven. It seems to me the weight of measurable evidence - such as from atmospheric measurements over time showing the rapid rise in concentration of carbon dioxide to be almost exactly parallel with the increase in emissions - makes this one as close to proven as it's likely to be. And given the potential impact, I'd rather err on the side of caution anyway. But, although Powell's position is that this one is beyond doubt, he also makes it clear that estimates of the likely impact are still subject to debate. Personally, I feel we're probably safest to assume a worst-case scenario and act accordingly...and on that final note, I think Powell and I finally reached agreement.

An interesting book, despite Powell's occasional forays beyond the evidence, and one I would recommend to anyone who is still in doubt as to the reality of man's impact on the environment.

NB This book was provided for review by the publisher, Columbia University Press.

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Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell PDF

Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell PDF
Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences: From Heresy to Truth, by James Lawrence Powell PDF

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

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Animal Experimentation: A Guide to the Issues, by Vaughan Monamy

What are the moral and ethical dimensions of animal research? What obligations do we have toward our animal subjects? In this important new book, students, researchers, and interested general readers will find a non-intimidating, readily comprehensible introduction to all the principal ethical issues and arguments in the animal experimentation debate. Vaughan Monamy covers the history and ethics of experimentation; discusses the moral status of animals and the obligations of researchers; and introduces alternatives to animal research. Although the work is aimed at those involved in the conduct, support, and teaching of animal-based research, its clarity of style will reach lay people and experts with equal ease. Monamy does justice to both the arguments that support and oppose animal experimentation, making this a balanced and objective study of a critical issue in contemporary biomedical science.

  • Sales Rank: #17146458 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-10-23
  • Format: Bargain Price
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.98" h x .31" w x 5.98" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 122 pages

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"On balance I would recommend it to anyone who has the responsibility of teaching a biology course, especially a physiology course that has a laboratory component." Canadian Society of Zoologists Bulletin

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Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

[V289.Ebook] Free PDF Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition, by William M. Davis

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Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition, by William M. Davis

Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition, by William M. Davis

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Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition, by William M. Davis

Designed for a two-semester introductory course sequence in physical chemistry, Physical Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, Second Edition offers a streamlined introduction to the subject. Focusing on core concepts, the text stresses fundamental issues and includes basic examples rather than the myriad of applications often presented in other, more encyclopedic books. Physical chemistry need not appear as a large assortment of different, disconnected, and sometimes intimidating topics. Instead, students should see that physical chemistry provides a coherent framework for chemical knowledge, from the molecular to the macroscopic level.

The book offers:

  • Novel organization to foster student understanding, giving students the strongest sophistication in the least amount of time and preparing them to tackle more challenging topics
  • Strong problem-solving emphasis, with numerous end-of-chapter practice exercises, over two dozen in-text worked examples, and a number of clearly identified spreadsheet exercises
  • A quick review in calculus, via an appendix providing the necessary mathematical background for the study of physical chemistry
  • Powerful streamlined development of group theory and advanced topics in quantum mechanics, via appendices covering molecular symmetry and special quantum mechanical approaches

  • Sales Rank: #404689 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-12-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.20" w x 7.00" l, 2.35 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 519 pages

From the Publisher
This text offers a unique, streamlined approach built around understanding physical chemistry phenomena at the molecular level. Coverage is organized around behavior rather than the historical order of discovery or the artificial ordering of "laws." The book develops a global awareness of core principles and practices as opposed to an itemized glimpse of seemingly unrelated issues. The text promotes retention of physical chemistry essentials needed by the students of all physical sciences.

From the Back Cover
Key Benefit: This book offers a unique, streamlined and contemporary approach to physical chemistry that promotes greater retention of essentials. It downplays examples and models that are considered traditional yet hold little educational value. Key Topics: Dykstra strives to develop a global awareness of essential principles and practices, rather than an itemized understanding of seemingly unrelated issues. Coverage is organized around behavior—rather than the historical order of discovery or the artificial ordering of laws—and unified by its molecular view of each topic.

About the Author

William M. Davis received his BSc (honors) in chemistry from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, and his MSc and PhD from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He taught lecture and laboratory sections of general, physical, and inorganic chemistry at several Canadian universities before moving to Texas to take up a tenure-track position at The University of Texas at Brownsville, where he taught general, physical, inorganic, analytical, organic, and environmental chemistry for 10 years. In 2008, he moved to Texas Lutheran University, where he is currently an Associate Professor and Chair of Chemistry and holds the George Kieffer Fellowship in Science. Dr. Davis’s research interests include application of computational and analytical chemistry techniques to systems of environmental and biochemical interest.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Prior student's review
By James Osborne
Dr. Dykstra's book is a very concise textbook that must be read carefully because you can miss important points if you're not careful. If studying with Dr. Dykstra, this is the best book to use as it reinforces his teaching style and content very well. I only used this book for quantum mechanics, but found it easier to understand than the other three textbooks that I used for reference. I have no recommendation for it, good or bad, in regards to the thermodynamics areas as I did not have it available while studying that aspect of physical chemistry.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Not a great book, but readable
By A Customer
This is the only physical chemistry text I have read, so perhaps I am not the best qualified person to comment on it, but I didn't have any great affinity for this book. It seemed to me to gloss over some more important details and did not explain some things very well. I heard somebody touting it for its brevity, but perhaps it would have been better if a bit longer--with more detail and perhaps more examples. Well, that's my two cents...

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Easy read for the beginner
By RacemicMixture
This book is by no means a complete, advanced textbook in physical chemistry. It is however a good introduction for students in an undergraduate program for chemistry, chemical engineering, and biology. There are many good chapters in the book that lays out some modern applications along with the fundamentals of physical chemistry that make this book very readable and a good starter before tackling more advanced classics.

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Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

[D757.Ebook] Download PDF Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

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Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

Download PDF Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

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Objective-C 2.0 Essentials - Third Edition, by Neil Smyth

Now updated for the new "Modern Objective-C" features introduced with the iOS 6 SDK, the goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to program in Objective-C using a style that is easy to follow, rich in examples and accessible to those who have never used Objective-C before. Topics covered include the fundamentals of Objective-C such as variables, looping and flow control. Also included are details of object oriented programming, working with files and memory and the Objective-C Foundation framework.

Regardless of whether you are developing for Mac OS X or the iPhone, or just want to learn Objective-C, this book covers everything you need to know about the Objective-C language in 31 detailed and easy to follow chapters.

Topics covered in this Third Edition of Objective-C 2.0 Essentials include:

- The History of Objective-C

- Installing Xcode and Compiling Objective-C on Mac OS X

- Objective-C 2.0 Data Types

- Working with Variables and Constants in Objective-C

- Objective-C Operators and Expressions

- Objective-C 2.0 Operator Precedence

- Commenting Objective-C Code

- Objective-C Flow Control with if and else

- The Objective-C switch Statement

- Objective-C Looping - The for Statement

- Objective-C Looping with do and while Statements

- An Overview of Objective-C Object Oriented Programming

- Writing Objective-C Class Methods

- Objective-C - Data Encapsulation, Synthesized Accessors and Dot Notation

- Objective-C Inheritance

- Pointers and Indirection in Objective-C

- Objective-C Dynamic Binding and Typing with the id Type

- Objective-C Variable Scope and Storage Class

- An Overview of Objective-C Functions

- Objective-C Enumerators

- An Overview of the Objective-C Foundation Framework

- Working with String Objects in Objective-C

- Understanding Objective-C Number Objects

- Working with Objective-C Array Objects

- Objective-C Dictionary Objects

- Working with Directories in Objective-C

- Working with Files in Objective-C

- Constructing and Manipulating Paths with NSPathUtilities

- Copying Objects in Objective-C

- Using Objective-C Preprocessor Directives

  • Sales Rank: #1076577 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-29
  • Released on: 2012-11-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Okay, but not in depth and lacks some topics
By Frank
Start looks promising, but later on it gets less and less detailed: almost only code examples with hardly any background information. Also a number of (imho) important topics are not covered, like protocols and delegation. As a starter it's okay, but if you want more background info for a better understanding of Objective-C I would advise another book like the Big Nerd Ranch Guide 2nd ed (which I am reading now ;-)

PS Please note that this review is about revision 3.1 of the book that covers IOS7.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Concise guide with few flaws
By Randy C. Finch
This book covers Objective C quite well. I like its conciseness. There were a few places where the code wasn't explained as well as I would like, but overall a very good guide.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

[V743.Ebook] Free Ebook Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, by Kathleen Stassen Berger

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Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, by Kathleen Stassen Berger

Exceptional in its currency, global in its cultural reach, Kathleen Berger’s portrait of the scientific investigation of childhood and adolescent development helps bring an evolving field into the evolving classroom. Guided by Berger’s clear, inviting authorial voice, and page after page of fascinating examples from cultures around the world, students see how classic and current research, and the lives of real people, shape the field’s core theories and concepts.

In addition to Kathleen Berger’s exhaustive updating of the research, this edition is notable for its thorough integration of assessment throughout (learning objectives, assessments after each section, expanded end-of-chapter quizzes) all aligned with national standards. The new edition is also more than ever an integrated text/media package, moving students from the printed page to online tools that help them develop observation and critical thinking skills. Those online components are all a part of the book’s dedicated version of LaunchPad, Worth Publishers’ breakthrough online course space in which power and simplicity go hand in hand.� To order LaunchPad for free with this text please use bundle isbn 978-1-319-01699-9.��See what's in the LaunchPad

  • Sales Rank: #28812 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-04-15
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 10.98" h x 1.06" w x 9.25" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 672 pages

About the Author

Kathleen Stassen Berger completed her undergraduate education at Stanford University and Radcliffe College, earned her M.A.T. from Harvard University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Yeshiva University. Her broad range of experience as an educator includes directing a preschool, teaching philosophy and humanities at the United Nations International School, teaching child and adolescent development to graduate students at Fordham University, teaching inmates earning paralegal degrees at Sing Sing Prison, and teaching undergraduates at both Montclair State University and Quinnipiac University. She has also been involved in education as the president of Community School Board in District Two in Manhattan.�

For over three decades, Berger has taught human development at Bronx Community College of the City University of New York. The students Kathleen Berger teaches every year come from diverse ethnic, economic, and educational backgrounds representing a wide range of interests and consistently honor her with the highest teaching evaluations.

Berger’s developmental texts are currently being used at nearly 700 colleges and universities in a dozen countries and in five languages. Kathleen’s research interests include adolescent identity, sibling relationships, and bullying. As the mother of four daughters, as well as a new grandmother, she brings to her teaching and writing ample firsthand experience with human development.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great book if going into Early Childhood Development
By smllchng
My daughter needed this for her Child Development Class. She told me that she felt there was alot of great information in the book that she thinks will be very helpful for her in her future as an elementary teacher. She said she would recommend it.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Sixto Romero
Good read if you are interested in child development.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It's pretty fantastic and I am happy that it was assigned ...
By Ms.Penguinity
Incredibly informative- well layed out test book. The way this text is written actually makes me want to read it. It's pretty fantastic and I am happy that it was assigned to me for my Childhood Development 101 class.

See all 24 customer reviews...

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Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

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The Mature Student's Handbook (Palgrave Study Skills), by Lucinda Becker

A practical guide allowing mature students�to build on their strengths and overcome�challenges.�Includes worked examples, exercises and space for recording strategies and successes.� Covers areas such as lectures, seminars, reading and note-taking, presentations, writing, exams,�time management, finance and careers.

  • Sales Rank: #2265182 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-04-21
  • Released on: 2009-04-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook


'The book is well-organized, clear and relevant; laid out as a mix of text and more 'interactive' sections where students can record their achievements towards the completion of a particular task/development of a new skill.'
- Jenni Grundy, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

About the Author
LUCINDA�BECKER is a lecturer in the School of English and American Literature at the University of Reading, UK�and�has taught in many departments within the university. She is also a professional trainer, teaching in the UK and Europe, specializing in communication and management techniques.

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Senin, 05 Desember 2011

[Y876.Ebook] Download Visceral Manipulation, by Jean-Pierre Barral, Pierre Mercier

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Visceral Manipulation, by Jean-Pierre Barral, Pierre Mercier

Osteopathy, chiropractic and other systems of manual medicine have developed a variety of models for understanding the mechanics of musculoskeletal motion. In this pioneering work, that same structural vision is applied to the visceral system.

In Visceral Manipulation, Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O. and Pierre Mercier, D.O. show how manipulation of the viscera can be used as an effective complement to other forms of manual medicine. Drawing upon years of research and clinical experience, the authors convincingly demonstrate that the relationship of structure and function among the internal organs is just as strong as that among the constituents of the musculoskeletal system, and that manipulation of the viscera can be effectively used to treat dysfunction.

Visceral Manipulation meticulously describes the indications for evaluating each of the major organs, and explains how to perform manipulative techniques for treating many types of restrictions.

  • Sales Rank: #776588 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Eastland Pr
  • Published on: 1988-03
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 10.50" h x 7.50" w x 1.00" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 278 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"Could easily become a text of almost historic import." -- Dynamic Chiropractic

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: French

About the Author
Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O. (U.K.) is a graduate of the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone, England. A well-known clinician and teacher in his native France and throughout Europe, he has authored and contributed to many osteopathic textbooks. His works in English include Visceral Manipulation (with Pierre Mercier, D.O.), Visceral Manipulation II, The Thorax, Urogenital Manipulation, Manual Thermal Diagnosis and most recently, Trauma: An Osteopathic Approach .

Dr. Barral is presently Academic Director of the International College of Osteopathy in Saint Etienne, France. He is also Chairman of the Department of Visceral Manipulation on the Faculty of Medicine at Paris du Nord. He has taught widely throughout Europe, the United States and Japan, and practices osteopathy in Grenoble, France.

Pierre Mercier, D.O. practices osteopathy in Oyonnax, France.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
By A Customer
Mr. Barral and Mercier adds to the osteopathic armamentarium with an easy understandable approach to the viscera and its associated structures as it relates to the body in a mechanical, neuro-logical and chemical manner, making it accesible for manual treatment (which of course should be in context of treating the patient and not the pain). This book is helpfull as a learning tool (for educational support) and a clinical manual.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Working on Visceras a new approach
By Dr. Sandeep Bhasin
I am a Cranio Saral therapist and liked the contents of Visceral manipulation very much. I found the techniques very differet from Cranio Sacral but really workable. I got good results on many patients.. Though content wise book is good but still I would have loved if there were more illustrations, case studies and personal experiences added to it. May be a book about case studies, introduction and self experiences by Jean Pierre would fill the void felt. But still I recommend this book for practioners and therapists as the techniques are really good

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
a D.C. comments
By David E. Herr
Offers the intriguing hypothesis that the primary cause of many functional and structural disturbances is fixation/adhesion of visceral articulating surfaces. Can be used as a textbook of diagnosis and treatment by those trained in bodywork, especially those familiar with the subtle osteopathic cranial techniques.

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Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

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Albert Schweitzer's African Sermon (Albert Schweitzer Library), by Steven Melamed

Every Sunday in Lambarene, Gabon, Albert Schweitzer delivered an outdoor sermon in French. Although never intended for publication, the sermons were transcribed by some of Schweitzer's listeners. This text includes works that characterize Schweitzer's simplicity of language.

  • Sales Rank: #2993969 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-04-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.18" h x .81" w x 6.40" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 232 pages

About the Author
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. While still a young man he demonstrated extraordinary abilities in a wide range of pursuits, including science, theology, and music. In 1908 he published his magisterial study of the life and works of Johann Sebastian Bach. He studied medicine from 1905 to 1913 at the University of Strasbourg, then founded a hospital in French Equatorial Africa, where he spent most of the remainder of his life. Schweitzer used his Nobel Prize stipend to expand the hospital and to build a leper colony. His bookThe Quest of the Historical Jesus is also available from Johns Hopkins.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Words of wisdom, revealing the relevance of biblical stories
By Midwest Book Review
Edited and translated from the French by Steven E. G. Melamed, Sr., The African Sermons is a collection of sermons delivered by Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) on Sundays in Lambarene, Gabon, from 1913 to 1935. Words of wisdom which reveal the relevance of biblical stories to the daily realities of African life, The African Sermons is an enduring testimonial that transcends the decades, brimming with both faith and practical understanding. Very highly recommended reading for Christians of all walks of life, The African Sermons provide an indispensable insight into the character of one of history's most selfless men of genius.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
By Stewart Williamson
This book offers the reader a unique glimpse of a remarkable man who believed in the sacredness of life. As a philosopher, theologican, moralist and physician, Albert Schweitzer worked tirelessly for the betterment of humanity. Although he was faulted by some for his old-fashioned European values, Schweitzer demonstrated his Christian love by ministering to the physical needs of his black brothers and sisters. At his free hospital in Gabon, he also ministered to their spiritual needs. Here, in a collection of Sunday sermons, is a verbatim record of what he said to his patients and their families in simple, easy to understand messages, based upon biblical texts.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
An Albert Schweitzer-must
By Ole Beuchert Olesen
This book is a must for persons interested in the magnificent work of Albert Schweitzer, the jungle doctor. It includes a reference list and a very useful Index.

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Albert Schweitzer's African Sermon (Albert Schweitzer Library), by Steven Melamed PDF

Albert Schweitzer's African Sermon (Albert Schweitzer Library), by Steven Melamed PDF
Albert Schweitzer's African Sermon (Albert Schweitzer Library), by Steven Melamed PDF