Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

[V581.Ebook] Ebook Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

Ebook Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

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Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

Ebook Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

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Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer

'You are here for the rest of your life. Do you understand? You are not leaving Iran. You are here until you die.' Betty Mahmoody and her husband, Dr Sayyed Bozorg Mahmoody ('Moody'), came to Iran from the USA to meet Moody's family. With them was their four-year-old daughter, Mahtob. Appalled by the squalor of their living conditions, horrified by what she saw of a country where women are merely chattels and Westerners are despised, Betty soon became desperate to return to the States. But Moody, and his often vicious family, had other plans. Mother and daughter became prisoners of an alien culture, hostages of an increasingly tyrannical and violent man. Betty began to try to arrange an escape. Evading Moody's sinister spy network, she secretly met sympathisers opposed to Khomeini's savage regime. But every scheme that was suggested to her meant leaving Mahtob behind for ever...

  • Sales Rank: #63121 in Books
  • Published on: 1987-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 420 pages

From Library Journal
Betty Lover met the perfect "dark stranger" in a Michigan hospital. Her Iranian therapist, Dr. Sayyed Bozorg Mahmoody, became her husband and the father of their daughter, Mahtob. Despite the vicissitudes of the Iran-U.S. hostage crisis, Betty and he flourished until their summer "vacation" in Iran in 1984. The next year and a half were a nightmare. Betty and Mahtob, held hostage by Mahmoody and his family, were subjected to Islamic fundamentalism, Persian nationalistic fanaticism, and a life of squalor. This compelling tale of their terror and escape from Iran is recommended for most libraries. Literary Guild alternate. David P. Snider, Casa Grande P.L., Ariz .
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.

"Compelling drama... fascinating, if disturbing... a moving story of one person's fortitude, courage and faith" The New York Times Book Review "The horrific situation in which Betty Mahmoody found herself would give any loving mother nightmares. Here is an amazing story of a woman's courage and total devotion to her child that will have you rooting for them along every inch of their treacherous journey" -- Susan Oudot Woman's Own

About the Author
Betty Mahmoody now lives again in Michigan with Mahtob and her two sons from her first marriage. William Hoffer is the co-author of Midnight Express and Saved: The Story of the Andrea Doria. He lives in Virginia.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Women: Be Grateful You Live In The USA
By Sandra Louden
As a high school teacher, this book should be REQUIRED READING for every high school student (read "female"). The world is a dangerous, sinister place for those who are naive...and when Betty Mahmoody innocently followed her Iranian husband to Iran, she never even checked what rights she was surrendering. And she surrendered plenty & as such, lived through a nightmare of hell. I showed the film (starring Sally Field) to my sophomore, junior & senior girls to remind them that not all countries treat women in a sane manner as they're accustomed to in this country. There were brave Iranian citizens who facilitated her escape & if caught, would have paid with their lives. I reminded them that the next time they complained because their prom dress wasn't the color they wanted or they didn't like their new hairstyle, they should remember that most of the world's women have it a whole lot worse. This book brings that truth home in a realistic, human way.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
I recommend this to all mothers and young unmarried women
By ALE56
This book is one that all mothers of teenage daughters should read and then talk to their daughters about their relationship with people outside their own faith. I've personally known of one family that was subjected to a similar incident, and it is very disturbing. Just because something looks shiny doesn't mean it is gold, and young women need to know what lies ahead when they cross into someone else's faith. Too few Americans do know it seems. I recommend this to all mothers and young unmarried women.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
well written
By americancarol
I love this book. I read it a few times and learn something every time I read it. It's fascinating to read about Iran's lifestyle, culture and their hatred of America. I was horrified at the attitude of their men regarding their women and probably more horrified at how the women get beat by their husbands. Betty's struggle to leave Iran with her daughter is a scary but beautiful journey she takes all in the name of love for her daughter and her country. All of us Americans should read this and be grateful that we live in such a great place with freedoms we all take for granted. I love this book and I know in the future, I'll read it again.

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Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer PDF
Not Without My Daughter, by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer PDF

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

[Z237.Ebook] Fee Download 60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon

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60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon

60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon

60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon

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60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon

(Book). The latest addition to Tony Bacon's acclaimed series of guitar books, 60 Years of Fender gives a year-by-year history of the most successful electric guitar maker. In 1950, Leo Fender introduced to the world the solidbody electric guitar the instrument known as the Telecaster. He soon added two more classics: the Precision Bass (1951) and the Stratocaster (1954). Fender's sleek, adaptable guitars have since fueled modern music from country to rock and have been heard in the hands of virtually every guitarist of note, from Buddy Holly to Kurt Cobain, from Eric Clapton to John Mayer. Illustrated with an unrivaled gallery of color photographs of instruments, players, and memorabilia, this revised and updated edition expands upon 50 Years of Fender (published in 2000), covering nine more years of the Fender story. "A must-have for any Fender fan. Highly entertaining." Guitar Player

  • Sales Rank: #1832797 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Backbeat Books
  • Model: HL00332861
  • Published on: 2010-05-01
  • Released on: 2010-03-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.00" h x .41" w x 8.50" l, 1.35 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
TONY BACON is a leading author on instrument history and a co-founder of Jawbone Press. His books include Paul McCartney - Bassmaster, 50 Years Of Fender, The Ultimate Guitar Book, and Electric Guitars - The Illustrated Encyclopedia.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great read, poor photos
By James W. Schulze
This is a picture book with terrible photos. Would not buy again. The rest of the info was fine. Bob.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good information but the layout designer must have been out ...
By kangaroogreen
Good information but the layout designer must have been out the day the book went to print.
Why would you have the seam of the book cut right through the body of the guitar?
It would have looked fine if the entire image of the guitar was on one page so it wouldn't look warped.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Dennis AuBuchon
Great book for any Fender enthusiast.

See all 4 customer reviews...

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60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon PDF

60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon PDF
60 Years of Fender: Six Decades of the Greatest Electric Guitars, by Tony Bacon PDF

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

[Y970.Ebook] Ebook Free Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

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Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

Ebook Free Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

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Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World (4th Edition), by Joseph Valacich, Christoph Schneider

Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World is everything a reader needs to know about IS in a contemporary, useful, and fun read.

Managing in the Digital World; Fueling Globalization through Information Systems; Valuing Information Systems Investments; Managing the Information Systems Infrastructure; Enabling Commerce Using the Internet; Enhancing Collaboration Using Web 2.0; Securing Information Systems; Enhancing Business Intelligence Using Information Systems; Building Organizational Partnerships Using Enterprise Information Systems; Developing and Acquiring Information Systems; Managing Information Systems Ethics and Crime�

MARKET: One of the greatest challenges in presenting IS material is keeping pace with what is happening in the real-world. This text shows readers how information technology and systems are becoming increasingly important in all aspects of today’s organizations and society.

  • Sales Rank: #1141749 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-03-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.72" h x .92" w x 8.58" l, 2.75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 624 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Worst Textbook, Incorrect Information
By K. Cook
This was honestly the worst textbook that I have had since coming to college. It's like they didn't bother researching any of the topics they covered. The book was full of inaccuracies and outright wrong/incorrect information. Also, they cite Wikipedia for some of their mini-articles. If it isn't good enough for a 2 page paper in college, it isn't good enough for a nearly $200 textbook.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Wikipedia is not a source
By M D Baxter
I paid a lot of money for a textbook that contained citations from Wikipedia. Others have also complained about that. It is not a source and no one should pay $100 + for a textbook that would not be considered a valid academic source because of the references contained within. How thoroughly was this book prepared or was it just thrown together so there could be another "new edition" to get more $ out of the those who have to pay for it and use it. There is some contradictory information in this text as well. Granted there was some useful info in there but its validity is in question because of the sources used.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Poor - Just basic information
By Emilia
Cases at the end of each chapter are superficial. It is easier to get more updated information from online sources like Wikipedia. Not recommended even for undergraduate students. 20 year-old people handle more information than this book.

See all 8 customer reviews...

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Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

[D224.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction (4th Edition), by Corrine Glesne

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Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction (4th Edition), by Corrine Glesne

This text offers a brief, but comprehensive overview of qualitative research that balances the practicalities of conducting research and the theory and debates that keep qualitative inquiry vibrant. As faculty and students increasingly turn to qualitative inquiry, they need a text that will not only provide them with an understanding of qualitative research methods, but also open them to the diverse possibilities within this inquiry approach. This text covers the range of possibilities along with numerous exercises that offer beginning students the opportunity to practice and refine the skills of being a qualitative researcher. The wealth of examples in the text is exceptional, as is the accessible writing style.

  • Sales Rank: #446701 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-06-18
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x .60" w x 7.30" l, 1.01 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 336 pages


Comments by graduate students at the University of Vermont, summer 2009, on a qualitative research course taught by Professor Corrine Glesne.


My first reaction to experimental writing was.....this is for people with a background in the arts...I am not a creative person.     Taking (Glesne's) Qualitative Analysis and Writing course opened my very closed view of qualitative research into one with endless possibilities.    Thank you for exposing me to new ways to view and present my research data.  Anyone who has a desire to express their research creatively should take this course.

-- Leslye Kornegay


Dr. Glesne encourages qualitative researchers to approach their data in fresh, dynamic ways, including poetic transcription and dramatic representation. These creative methods challenged me to examine my data using new perspectives, and allowed me to represent the voices of my participants more authentically.  It was such a pleasure working with Dr. Glesne and learning from all of her experiences.

-- Bethany Rice


I have often kept my “structured” self apart from my “creative” self. From a young age we are taught that to be an academic requires being structured. We are taught that being an academic means following the rules. Therefore, creativity becomes a frill on the sidelines of true scholarship. I have struggled over the years to place my creative side in a box in order to be recognized as “intelligent” or “legit.”  I have felt this as both a student of art and a teacher of it. Although there have certainly been times when I see these “selves” overlap and influence one another, they have always remained separate yet equally important elements of who I am. (Glesne's) class, (and) book, (have) challenged me to bring together, once and for all, my structured self and my creative self. I know I have a long way to go, but I feel inspired and supported to take risks in order to truly and fully express myself in my work. Thank you.

-- Ellen Montgomery


I am heartened to know that I can frame knowledge in a way that’s most intuitive for me, in the way I think, process, make meaning, and communicate. And an added plus that I could possibly write and share my findings in these creative ways, as well. What resonates most with me is that qual research is a way of adding to the conversation, or turning the light on a different part of the crystal. The work, the data, and the stories feel much richer, more alive, and more authentic for me.  I learned I can be a writer. Sifting through the data in these many ways, combining these perspectives through autoethnography/ourstory/etc feels like an epiphany as well as a validation of how I move in the world. I'm intensely excited about future study and work.

(Glesne is) an excellent teacher. I felt encouraged and challenged, and it was absolutely wonderful to explore these new concepts in the company of classmates who were deeply engaged in their own work. It was the highlight of my summer.

-- Marie Vea-Fagnant


From the Back Cover

This text offers a brief but comprehensive overview of qualitative research that balances the practicalities of conducting research with the theory and debates that keep qualitative inquiry vibrant. As faculty and students increasingly turn to qualitative inquiry, they need a text that will not only provide them with an understanding of qualitative research methods, but also open them to the diverse possibilities within this inquiry approach. This text covers the range of possibilities and includes numerous exercises that offer beginning students the opportunity to practice and refine the skills needed for qualitative research. The wealth of examples in the text is exceptional, as is the accessible and engaging writing style.


New To This Edition:

  • Suggested Readings and Exercises are added to the end of each chapter. 
  • A new Glossary of Key Terms introduces students to the meaning and use of important research terms.
  • Chapter 1 is heavily revised to include an introduction to four research paradigms and their theoretical and philosophical underpinnings. 
  • Chapter 2 has a new section on research purposes.  This change will assist students in creating their personal research foci.
  • Chapters 3 and 4 have expanded discussions on use of internet and virtual reality sites in data collection. 
  • Chapter 3 has an expanded section on collection and use of visual data (photographs, maps, diagrams, etc.). 
  • Chapter 4 has an expanded discussion on technology for recording and transcribing interviews.  This provides information on technological advances that can assist in the research process.
  • Chapter 5 is heavily edited and revised, and now titled “Personal Dimensions: Field Relations and Reflexivity.” More attention is given to feminist and poststructuralist challenges to prior conceptions of researcher-other relationships. 
  • Chapter 6 features a new ethics discussions on privacy and the internet and on representation.   These discussions are intended to increase awareness of some of the ethical challenges posed by technology and by publishing.
  • Chapter 9 is expanded to include discussions and new examples of autoethnography, ethnodrama, and poetic transcription.
  • New examples and tables are added throughout the text.  These additions assist students' understanding of accompanying discussions.


 What Students Are Saying:  

"Dr. Glesne encourages qualitative researchers to approach their data in fresh, dynamic ways, including poetic transcription and dramatic representation. These creative methods challenged me to examine my data using new perspectives, and allowed me to represent the voices of my participants more authentically."

-- Bethany Rice (University of Vermont graduate student)

About the Author

A qualitative research methodologist and educational anthropologist, Corrine Glesne has done ethnographic research in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Costa Rica, and Mexico. She is currently researching campus art museums for the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.  For seventeen years she was a professor at the University of Vermont (UVM). While at UVM, Corrine began taking groups of students to Oaxaca, Mexico for intensive two-week courses.  Corinne's trips grew into a semester program, and she began teaching courses for it as well as directing the program in 2008.  Corrine also worked with IHP, an international educational program affiliated with World Learning.  As a traveling anthropology professor, she taught and accompanied undergraduate students to India, the Philippines, Mexico, New Zealand, and England.  She also coordinated the Washington DC portion of an IHP program for several years. Corrine did her doctoral work at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign.  Her home is now in Asheville, North Carolina.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Comprehensive, easy read. Great intro to qualitative research. Lacks focus on phenomenological methods though.
One of the best, comprehensive books for qualitative research. Lacks somewhat in the phenomenological aspects of qual methods but gives you a great base to begin or continue learning qualitative research. The chapters are chronologically placed in an appropriate order. A nice reference for anyone wanting to use qualitative analysis for a dissertation/research article.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Very readable
By Amy A.
This book is an excellent introduction to qualitative research methods and ideologies. It is written in an engaging and accessible style that feels more like personal advice from a beloved professor than a textbook. I highly recommend this text for anyone thinking about entering the social sciences, or for teachers who want to develop an alternative data-collecting approach to standardized testing.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By Amazon Customer
The books were in fairly rough shape when they arrived, but I can't complain about the price.

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Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction (4th Edition), by Corrine Glesne PDF

Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction (4th Edition), by Corrine Glesne PDF
Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction (4th Edition), by Corrine Glesne PDF

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

[C661.Ebook] PDF Ebook The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

PDF Ebook The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes And The Deep Laws Of The Cosmos, By Brian Greene. Negotiating with checking out behavior is no demand. Reading The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes And The Deep Laws Of The Cosmos, By Brian Greene is not kind of something sold that you can take or otherwise. It is a point that will certainly alter your life to life a lot better. It is things that will provide you many points all over the world and this cosmos, in the real world and also right here after. As what will be provided by this The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes And The Deep Laws Of The Cosmos, By Brian Greene, exactly how can you negotiate with things that has numerous perks for you?

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

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The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the only universe?

There was a time when "universe" meant all there is. Everything. Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse. Here, Briane Greene, one of our foremost physicists and science writers, takes us on a breathtaking journey to a multiverse comprising an endless series of big bangs, a multiverse with duplicates of every one of us, a multiverse populated by vast sheets of spacetime, a multiverse in which all we consider real are holographic illusions, and even a multiverse made purely of math--and reveals the reality hidden within each.

Using his trademark wit and precision, Greene presents a thrilling survey of cutting-edge physics and confronts the inevitable question: How can fundamental science progress if great swaths of reality lie beyond our reach? The Hidden Reality is a remarkable adventure through a world more vast and strange than anything we could have imagined.

  • Sales Rank: #22819 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-11-01
  • Released on: 2011-11-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .90" w x 5.20" l, .95 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 464 pages

Amazon.com Review
Amazon Best Books of the Month, January 2011: Take any of physics' major theories of the fundamental nature of the universe, extrapolate its math to the logical extreme, and you get some version of a (so far unobservable) parallel universe. And who better to navigate these hypothetical versions of the "multiverse" than Brian Greene? Normally an unflinching apologist for string theory, the bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos here treats all viable alternate realities to a laudably fair shake. For a book exploring the most far-reaching implications of bleeding-edge mathematics, The Hidden Reality is surprisingly light on math, written as it is "for a broad audience … its only prerequisite the will to persevere." Such perseverance pays off with a motley cast of potential universes featuring doppelg�ngers, strings, branes, quantum probabilities, holographs, and simulated worlds. The result is that rare accomplishment in science writing for a popular audience: a volume that explains the science and its consequences while stimulating the imagination of even the uninitiated.

Oliver Sacks on The Hidden Reality

Oliver Sacks was born in London and educated in London, Oxford, California, and New York. He is professor of neurology and psychiatry at Columbia University, and Columbia's first University Artist. He is the author of many books, including Awakenings, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and Musicophilia. His newest book, The Mind's Eye, was published in October, 2010.

Brian Greene is not only a profound cosmological thinker--a pioneer of string theory--but a writer of exceptional clarity and charm. His books--The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos among them--take one ever deeper into a universe stranger and more wonderful than anyone could have conceived a generation ago. The Hidden Reality takes us deeper still, and it has a special personal quality and warmth that is evident from the opening of the book, when Greene recollects how, as a boy, he was fascinated by the multiple reflections in parallel mirrors. He has never lost this childlike wonder at the world of physics, but he brings it now to examining theories of multiple universes, of the continual birth of universes, starting long before our own. . . and destined to continue, perhaps, to the end of time.

In the 1930s, as a boy myself, I read The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans. Jeans was, like Greene, a brilliant theoretical astronomer and equally mesmerizing writer. I thought Jeans's book was the most exciting, revelatory book I had ever read, and now, seventy years later, I feel the same excitement reading Brian Greene's new book, where every chapter opens level after level of previously unimaginable, mind-expanding realities.

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. "There was a time when �universe' meant �all there is,'�" writes Greene, but soon we may have to redefine that word, along with our own meager understanding of the cosmos. A theoretical physicist and celebrated author, Greene offers intrepid readers another in-depth yet marvelously accessible look inside the perplexing world of modern theoretical physics and cosmology. Greene's book The Elegant Universe explained late 20th-century efforts to find a unified theory of everything, culminating with string theory. But string theory opened up a new can of worms, hinting at the possible existence of multiple universes and other strange entities. The possibility of other universes existing alongside our own like holes in "a gigantic block of Swiss cheese" seems more likely every day. Beginning with relativity theory, the Big Bang, and our expanding universe, Greene introduces first the mind-blowing multiplicity of forms those parallel universes might take, from patchwork quilts or stretchy "branes" to landscapes and holograms riddled with black holes. With his inspired analogies starring everyone from South Park's Eric Cartman to Ms. Pac-Man and a can of Pringles, Greene presents a lucid, intriguing, and triumphantly understandable state-of-the-art look at the universe. Illus. (Feb.)
(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
That our cosmos is but one of many has inspired a recent spate of theoretical physicist-authors�Lisa Randall, Michio Kaku, Leonard Susskind�to advance their particular idea of the multiverse in general-interest works. Here their peer, Greene, comprehensively covers major variations of the multiverse concept. Numbering nine, they emerge from mathematical substrates that have yet to connect multiverse speculation with physical reality. Theory as arbiter of experimental and observational proof looms over each multiverse Greene discusses, some of which might become detectable with contemporary or some fantastic future technology, and some of which in principle could never be perceived. Greene explains that more accessible versions of the multiverse arise from investigations into general relativity and quantum mechanics. Puzzling over gravity, the wave function of electrons, and values of physical constants, physicists have devised daughter universes budding off our own or hovering nearby in higher dimensions postulated by string theory. Greene�s exceptional clarity shows what evidence would hint at such parallel universes emerging from well-established theory and presents mind-benders suggesting that all universes are holograms projected from the surfaces of black holes. As bizarre as multiverses appear, the credence that scientists accord them is wonderfully transmitted to a lay readership by Greene. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: Greene�s as big a name as science produces: he hosted a PBS Nova television series based on his The Elegant Universe (1999); his encore, The Fabric of Reality (2004), loitered for 10 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list. All-out marketing from book tour to tweets portend demand equal to the publisher�s celebrity-scale first printing of 300,000 copies. --Gilbert Taylor

Most helpful customer reviews

556 of 576 people found the following review helpful.
Another masterpiece of science writing from Brian Greene
By Michael Birman
Brian Greene's previous books are exemplars of what science writing should be: clear, wide-ranging in discussion and respectful of the intelligence of his audience. The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos are two of my three favorite popular science books. The third, Kip Thorne's Black Holes and Time Warps, is another superb example of science writing at its best. Now Brian Greene has added another masterpiece to the list. Everything that distinguishes Greene's writing style is in evidence in The Hidden Reality. His elegant prose is enjoyable to read. His brilliant ability to explain difficult abstract ideas in everyday language using easily understood examples still amazes me. And his use of vivid word pictures that always seem perfectly matched to the topic he's discussing propels his narrative forward so that the reader is never bored.

Yes The Hidden Reality is more accessible than his previous books. This book seems easier to read and is readily understandable. In his earlier books, I often read a paragraph several times in order to fully comprehend what Greene was attempting to communicate. That is something science and math majors are used to doing when reading textbooks but difficult for those not as scientifically adept. Greene's first two books dealt with Quantum Mechanics, String Theory and Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity: vast math-intensive topics that he was able to distill masterfully. The Hidden Reality inhabits a more abstract world, a conceptually challenging world. I quickly found Greene's more casual approach extremely helpful, even comforting, when I felt slightly adrift. The topics he discusses begin with the geometry of the universe: whether it is spherical (or positively curved), flat (with zero curvature) like a tabletop, or negatively curved like a Pringle.

The book devotes considerable time to the critical question of whether the universe is finite or infinite in size, something which has profound scientific and philosophical implications. It is a statistical certainty that in an infinite universe, regions of local space like ours will be endlessly repeated. In other words, assuming an infinite spatial universe with an expanding big-bang beginning, there are only a finite number of possible matter and energy configurations because the amount of energy and matter is finite. But there is an infinite amount of space within which those configurations will play out. Greene uses the example of a friend named Imelda whose passion for clothing has her purchasing 1000 pairs of shoes and 500 dresses. If Imelda is blessed with an infinitely long lifespan then, despite her vast wardrobe, if she changes outfits daily, within 1400 years she will have exhausted all possible new combinations. Imelda will be forced to repeat her sartorial choices. Philosophically, of course, all of that repetition of stars, planets and life's building blocks suggests that there are an infinite number of doppelgangers of each and every one of us. These infinite duplicates of ourselves would inhabit similar worlds that are forever hidden from mutual observation because the speed of light is finite. As Einstein showed in his Special Theory of Relativity, light-speed (300,000 km/sec) is the fastest rate by which information can be communicated. The bottom line: in an infinite universe the overwhelming bulk of reality remains hidden from its inhabitants by vast distances or by parallel dimensions harboring realities of every possible configuration.

In a finite spherical universe, on the other hand, the light from distant objects should ultimately traverse it several times, leading to multiple images of galaxies, for example. This hasn't been observed as yet, suggesting that the universe is either finite but huge or actually infinite in size. Though the size and shape of the universe remain undetermined, scientists when cornered tend to believe its size is infinite. Recent data also suggests that the universe is flat like a tabletop in shape.

Greene discusses all of the current hot topics in cosmology: brane-worlds, the multiverse, the holographic universe, unseen parallel worlds in dimensions separated by millimeters, our universe as a super-advanced computer program, the essentially hidden nature of reality. These are topics that have been discussed in other books but seldom with the passion for communication and clarity of thought that Greene exhibits in this one. The topics here are abstract concepts that exist at the very boundaries of human thought but Greene somehow manages to bring them down to earth. Even if you don't understand everything, the scientific vistas that Greene offers in this superb book are breathtaking in their intellectual beauty. You will find your personal horizons exponentially expanded. The Hidden Reality is replete with excellent illustrations that illuminate the material and are fun to look at. If this kind of science intrigues you then you will love this book. Brian Greene has written another masterpiece in a difficult genre.

244 of 260 people found the following review helpful.
Difficult- but rewarding.
By Michael J. Edelman
Beginning in the 16th Century, physics started to change from a purely scholastic mode of inquiry, in which questions were answered by argument from first principles and ancient authority, into a scientific one, in which observation and mathematical law predominated. With the introduction of Newton's work and his (and Leibniz') invention of the calculus, physics became a modern science, in which mathematics played a key role not only in testing theories, but in predicting phenomena as well. Even so, it was still possible for the non-scientist to understand much of the work of physicists, as it still dealt (for the most part) with laws and phenomena that could be observed, experienced, or at least imagined with the average person.

With the advent of relativity and quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, this all changed. Special Relativity dealt with velocities far beyond that which any human could ever experience. General Relativity dealt with interactions on a cosmic scale. And quantum mechanics dealt with scales far smaller than that which could be experienced or observed- even by physicists. What these new disciplines shared was that they they could only be truly understood by someone conversant with the mathematics involved. Although mass-induced curvature of space (for example) is commonly explained by analogy to a weight on a rubber sheet; that's at best, a weak metaphor. A ball bearing rolling on a rubber sheet is still being pulled down by gravity; it is not tracing a path in curved space that minimizes action.

As modern theories physics have become more complex, more purely mathematical, and further removed from the experience of the perceivable world, the books that attempt to explain things like inflationary cosmologies, string theory and supersymmetry have become increasingly less satisfying. And that brings us to the central failure of almost every popular book on modern physics I've ever read- the inability to actually explain the why and how. After reading countless books by popular authors like Tim Ferris, I realized that although many were, indeed, excellent writers, none of them actually understood the physics they were purporting to explain. At beast, they were simply repeating the metaphors they'd been given. They didn't understand the physics well enough to explain it.

There were a few exceptions- popular books written by actual physicists who also had a particular gift for teaching and explanation. To date, I've only found three who both have a deep understanding of modern physics, and who can convey more than a metaphorical understanding of this to a reasonably intelligent, but non-specialist, reader: Richard Feynman, Alan Guth, and Brian Greene. True, there are other physicists who write popular books, but most aim pretty low. They're satisfied to give a general sort of metaphorical explanation- curved space is like a curved rubber sheet, expansion is like inflating a beach ball, and strings are like... little strings. But Feynman, Guth and Greene each tried to really convey the real science.

The late Richard Feynman is still the master. His lectures- especially "The Character of Physical Law"- did a magnificent job of making clear even such difficult concepts as the quantum explanation of diffraction. Guth's "The Inflationary Universe" does a superb job of explaining topics like tension and negative energy in telling his story of the origins of cosmic inflation theory. And Brian Greene, author of the current volume under discussion, has now produced his third book attempting to explain some very difficult ideas to the lay reader. In "The Hidden Reality", Green tackles string theory, the multiverse, symmetry, group theory, and dozens of other topics, and he does so without resort to any "it's just like..." metaphors. He uses graphic representations when possible, to illustrate mathematical relationships without math when possible (although much of the real math can be found in the appendix.) He explains where and how contemporary cosmological theories originated, and gives the reader a good sense of exactly how we arrived at a position in which physics is largely dominated by untestable theories that make few predictions about the measurable universe- and why this is not necessarily a problem.

Greene is one of the principle authors of modern string theory, and he does a superlative job of conveying, for the lay reader, both the state of string theory, and its genesis. While to fully understand such notions as (say) the role of Calabi-Yu shapes in defining the topology of the multidimensional universe would no doubt require a real familiarity of topology, I think Greene comes as close as possible (or at least as close as I've seen) in conveying to the reader why it is that these shapes play a role in defining space, and how it is that physicists came to propose their existence. His explanation of quantum uncertainly and of Schrodinger's probability wave is probably the best non-mathematical one I've read.

This is not an easy book to read. I went as far as a few calculus courses and a semester of physics back in my undergraduate days, and I found this book fairly hard going. It's not terribly mathematical (except in the appendices) but the concepts are not easy, and there's little if any fluff to be found. This is not the sort of breezy reading found in the typical popular physics book (here's the atom, here's a quark, wasn't that cool?) The reader who attempts to simply skim through without trying to follow Greene's narration and really understand what he's trying to explain will quickly find themselves lost, reading words without a clue of what they mean. I've been reading it for two weeks, attacking a chapter (or part of a chapter) each day, and often backtracking to make sure I understand what Greene is trying to convey. The reader who is prepared to take this approach, and spend a lot of time reading, pausing, think about what they've read, and rereading each section to make sure they really understand what's going on, will find this a very rewarding book.

321 of 357 people found the following review helpful.
Often lost in the weeds
By J. A Magill
Let me say from the get go, I am a huge Brian Greene fan, having read both his previous books and having found them deeply edifying. Few writers working today possess his ability to take complex material and explain it in ways that the interested layman can digest. When I learned of his new book, I was excited to dive-in.

Unfortunately, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, "The Hidden Reality" is far more opaque than his previous books. Time and again I found myself rereading a particular section, unable to decipher what he was seeking to explain. This may result from my own short-comings, I suspect that they might just as well arise from those limitations that Greene, from the very beginning, admits bedevils the notion of the "multiverse." Even more so than in String Theory, this topic currently stands at a point of being little more than speculation. Yes, the math creates the possibility that these other realms exist, but no one has to date suggested a method of falsification for this theory, nor does it offer much in the way of testable predictions.

Sometimes when he tries to counter critics, Green proves to be his own worst enemy. Consider a chapter where he argues against those who point out the difficulty of testing the hypothesis of a "muliverse." In reply, Greene points to Einstein's theories and the inability to demonstrate their veracity through experimentation in the early 20th century when they first appeared. However, this ignores the fact that Einstein's theories offered obvious precise predictions that, even if not testable at the time, one could imagine appearing in the near future. Had these predictions not withstood tests, out would have gone the theory. To date, nobody can offer similar predictions through this theory that we are likely to be able to test anytime soon.

The result of these weaknesses is that I found myself often lost in the weeds, left with little more than the point that the math says that these things may be so. I can understand Greene's enthusiasm at the possibility of limitless realities beyond our own, but glorying at the possibility doesn't get me any closer to accepting -- or even understanding -- that these intriguing suggestions might prove real.

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The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene PDF

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene PDF
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene PDF